I love elephants i don’t see them enough in my dreams so i put pictures of elephants everywhere so i can dream about them but now all I dream about is putting pictures of elephants so i could dream about them.
where do the thoughts come from? do you control them? do you sit there and generate your thoughts? no, thoughts come of themselves. where do your actions come from? oh you must be making your actions no? and yet how is it that so often a person completely intends to do something and yet does nothing? i will start working now! and then he continues playing. then he says ‘ah i was unmotivated’ - but he had all the intent to do it?! while another time he might just automatically start working without him intending it. this time he didn’t have an intent to do it and the action was still done!? - by conclusions actions are too not man controlled. and what is a man aside of thought and action? nothing.
hell is reserved for the saints;
the sinners suffered more
than enough in life.
the sinners suffered more
than enough in life.
I’m too smart to be intelligent.
i could be perfectly willing to do something and still not do it. other times i could be not so willing to do it and still be able to do it. this seeming craze just follows from arbitrary chemical reactions in the brain. of course, humans tend to run away from describing their actions this way but if you think long enough about any action its impossible to escape this description.
its never lonely:
the rain talks
the trees pose
the water sings
the leaves dance
the walls pose
the mind invents
but you only get to feel it
when the humans shut the fuck up.
the rain talks
the trees pose
the water sings
the leaves dance
the walls pose
the mind invents
but you only get to feel it
when the humans shut the fuck up.
The tulips of spring-
Blooming with wonderful hues
and melting my heart.
Blooming with wonderful hues
and melting my heart.